陳耀成 Evans Chan(導演)

被稱讚為「過去15年, 華文文化界最創新和多樣化的要角之一」*, 陳耀成生於廣東南海, 成長於澳門及香港,在紐約社會研究新院大學 (New School for Social Research) 得哲學碩士,曾導演四部劇情片及五部記錄片,在柏林,倫敦,鹿特丹,莫斯科和台灣金馬獎等多個國際電影節展出及得獎。

電影之外,陳耀成同時以中英文發表評論及創作。他的評論集《最後的中國人》得2000年香港文學雙年展的評論組最佳書獎。他為台灣麥田出版社編譯的兩本蘇珊‧桑塔格 (Susan Sontag)文集:《桑塔格文選》及《旁觀他人之痛苦》連續獲台灣《聯合報》列為全年十大非小說好書之列。他以英語改編的張愛玲小說《赤地之戀》的舞台劇Naked Earth曾於2000年百老匯外圍的岸街劇院 (Bank Street Theatre) 公演。他的英語評論發表於 《後現代文化》(Postmodern Culture), 《電影印度》Cinemaya, 《電影國際》(Film International) 等。應蘇格蘭愛丁堡大學出版社(Edinburgh University Press)電影研究系列之邀,他將以英語撰寫一部《三地華語電影簡史》(A Concise History of Chinese Cinema(s))。陳現居紐約及香港

*白睿文《光影言語:當代華語片導演訪談錄》 麥田出版社, 2007, 444頁

Evans Chan: Biography

Considered “one of the most singularly innovative and diverse figures in the Chinese cultural world [in the past 15 years],” Evans Chan, New York-based critic, playwright and filmmaker has made four narrative features and five documentaries.*

Chan's award winning films have been shown at the Berlin, Rotterdam, London, Moscow, Montreal, and Taiwan Golden Horse film festivals, among others.

Born in Guangdong, raised in Macau and Hong Kong, Chan has published three books including The Last of the Chinese, which won the Best Critical Essay Prize at the 2000 Hong Kong Literary Bi-annual, and is the editor/translator into Chinese of three books by Susan Sontag, of which “Selected Writings” and “Regarding the Pain of Others” were named the year's Best Non-Fiction Books by United Daily News. His writings in English appear in Cinemaya, Asian Cinema, Film International and Postmodern Culture. He is currently working on a book, A Concise History of Chinese Cinema(s), forthcoming from Edinburgh University Press. Chan's play, The Naked Earth, based on an Eileen Chang novel, was produced Off Broadway at New York's Bank Street Theatre in 2000.

*Chris Berry, “Speaking in Images”(New York: Columbia University Press 2005)



To Liv(e)《浮世戀曲》(1992) Narrative feature劇情片

Crossings《錯愛》 (1995) Narrative feature劇情片

Journey to Beijing 《北征》(1999) Documentary 記錄片

Adeus Macau 《澳門二千》(2000) Documentary 記錄片

The Map of Sex and Love《情色地圖》(2001) Narrative feature劇情片

Bauhinia《紫荊》(2002) Narrative featurette劇情片

The Life and Times of Wu Zhong Xin 《吳仲賢的故事》(2003) Docu-drama 記錄劇情片

MAKROKOSMOS I & III 《宏宇》(2004)
Docu/Music Video 記錄音樂片

Sorceress of the New Piano《靈琴新韻》(2004) Documentary 記錄片

The Maverick Piano 《獨行琴》 (2007) Docu/Music Video 記錄音樂片
